Nerf Sap 10 - Rogue/Rogue/Lock 3v3 2300+ Bg9 by HappyMinti
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : US - Tichondrius ( Bloodlust )
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Movie Summary
Hello Everyone,

First I'd like to say . This is not a world PvP movie. I don't care if you like my World PvP movies more, I realize that they were very popular, but I simply will not be creating any more world PvP movies any time soon. I apologize. If all you care about is World PvP, please do not download this movie and save yourself the time and frustration.

It has been a while since I have released a video and after the recent success of my 3v3 team, I figured an Arena video about it would be a good idea. Myself, Warskull, and Hips have had some extraordinary success playing Rogue + Rogue + Warlock 3v3's and have gotten as high as the #3 seed on bg9 at approx 2380 rating. Since then we have stopped playing in preparation for the arena tournament, but you certainly will see more of us!

The movie has two versions, High Quality and Commentary. The High Quality version is the normal movie. The commentary has the music volume lowered a bit and myself talking over it explaining our team, calling out things you might not notice throughout the movie, and giving little "nuggets of wisdom" while simultaneously stuttering and sounding like an idiot.

If anything is really worth your time it's probably the commentary so you have something really good to flame about in the below comment section.

I was planning to upload it to some more streaming mirrors, but it was apparently leaked on rogue boards very fast so I'm going to just go ahead and release it now with the mirrors I have, and hope to add some more in the future.

So without further Ado - Hope you all enjoy the movie and take at least something away from it.
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