Level 1-90 In One Hour (Time-Lapse) by mairou
Class: Warlock | Category: Other | Server : EU - Outland ( Misery )
4.81 /5 38 ? ? 1609 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
World of Warcraft time-lapse. From level 1 to 90 in 1 hour.

I recorded my new characters entire leveling progress and condensed it into a time-lapse. This video is 55 times faster than normal speed and 1 second in this video is slightly less than 1 minute of actual gameplay. Took me about 2 days 7 hours to level 90. No RaF, Full heirlooms and only quests.

YouTubes low bitrate and 30fps limit really made this video look worse than the original file, but if you watch it in 720p the quality should be fine. I shall do another one in the next WoW expansion and hope that YouTube has improved their standard video formats by then :)

Music in this video is from "Pro Scores" cinematic music design tools made by Video Copilot. (Yes, i own license for it)

Some interesting statistic about the video:

-Original file size(real time): 64,5Gt
-Original file size(time-lapse): 6,87Gt
-Rendering time total: ~48 hours

-Total time played: 2 days, 7 hours, 57 minutes, 22 seconds = 55h:57m:22s
-Average time spent per level: 37 minute 20 seconds
-Quests completed: 1547
-Average quests quests completed per hour: 28
-Total deaths: 45
-Total deaths from other player: 33
-Total kills: 8791
-Honorable Kills: 21
-Critters killed 192
-Gold from quests: 7281g
-Gold looted: 796g
-Gold from vendors: 3478g
-Gold spent on travel: 20g
-Flight paths taken: 75
-Number of times hearthed: 15
-Healthstones used: 63
-Ressurected by soulstones: 24
-Total damage done: 609275965
-Total damage received: 31665078
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4.81 /5

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Zygor Guides

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Views: 252,627
Daily Views: 61
Rating: 4.81 / 5
Category Rank: 12

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WCM Fame: 41
Rank: 5,356 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 3
Total Views: 361,874
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