Destram - Project Feenix (Teaser) by Cadaveri
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Warsong ( Blackout )
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Destram - Project Feenix


Hello there People!

Long Time No See!

As some of you may know, I have stopped playing WoW, however some of my friends recommended me trying (feenix) for that vanilla nostalgia feeling from lvl 60!

At the moment I have played on the realm for about 1 year and decided to make a PvP movie on my rogue for old times sake.

These clips in the movie(teaser) are actually about 6 months old atleast, I just havent had the inspiration to make the movie further(around 10minutes done now), maybe if I release this teaser I get some inspiration to finish it.

I have roughly about 15-25min movie releasing sometime in the future.

If you have any interest in lvl 60 content head to, its as closest it will get to the vanilla times.

For me retail is dead and the point of return is long past.

Please check out my youtube channel aswell for future updates:

My Youtube:
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