Shaitann 2 - The Final by Shaitannwm
Class: Mage | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Stormscale ( Cyclone )
No stream available for this movie.
Please use our Premium Archive to download it.
4.83 /5 343 ? ? 790 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

Hi everyone! Please read below before watching.

Filefront (x264) : Direct download link for the x264 version. This is the best version with an awesome quality/size ratio (near Fraps quality) but a good computer config is required. Also, the FileFront stream on the link doesn't work, be warned.

Filefront (XviD) : Alternative direct download for those who can't read the x264 version without freeze. Lesser quality and bigger size, but still very decent.

Vimeo Stream : If you don't want to download the movie, prefere this stream as it is a lot better than the FileFront one.

Filefront Stream : OK, the crappy FileFront stream. You must know one thing about this: Each time you watch a movie on it, God kills a kitten. Please, think about the poor kittens.

Veoh Stream : Average stream that also requires Veoh TV. Direct download available on this link.

As you can imagine, for a better entertainement, I strongly recommand to download the movie. There are a lot of little details and synchronizations that you'll miss with streams.

- Mainly battleground clips.
- A little of 2v2 scenes with Alca on Cyclone ladder and Xavs on Cataclysme ladder.
- Duels against Vaelisious.
- Recorded on three differents realms (and battlegroups), including Stormscale EU.
- Two differents frost specs: 0/0/61 in solo PvP and 17/0/44 in duels/arenas.

All the songs are listed in the credits at the end of the movie.

If you encounter problems reading the x264 file, just download and install FFDShow and read the movie with media player classic. If that still doesn't work, try to use VLC.

I hope you will enjoy!

-The runtime is 31min, not 34.
-"Stream Filefront 1" does not work.
-Use "Filefront (x264)" for DOWNLOAD ONLY.

EDIT 08/19/08 :

---- Finally Plat ! Thanks to everyone (even downraters that don't get any shit of what I am doing). Due the recent upcoming mage changes from WoTLK beta, Im pretty sure to play again for the extension and also making a third movie. I'll take into consideration every feedback I had on this movie, which means I will focus on a general improvement on entertainement and creativity by way of a new editing method. Of course I will keep my agressive playstyle and try to reach outstanding limits :') About noob/undergeared 1vX situations, take in mind that Vurtne or w/e movies contained alot of it, and I can assure you that it requieres skill, from the moment they are several whatever their personal skills. ----.
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