Varroc IV FIRE MAGE [LEGION] by Varroc
Class: Mage | Category: PvP | Server : US - Ragnaros ( Vindication )
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Movie Summary
This video is for entertainment and educational purposes only. In no way shape or form do I claim to be a pro Mage. If you enjoyed this video, make sure to thumbs it up to let me know you'd like to see more. If it looks like you guys are liking
This movie contains a lot of world PvP action which is still jam packed with 1vX. Despite the fact that WPvP is dead, I tried my very very best to catch some decent clips, so hope you enjoy!


Este video es solo para fines de entreter. De ninguna manera o forma, reclamo ser un mago profesional.
Esta pel�cula contiene WordPvP de 1vX. A pesar de que WPvP est� muerto, hice todo lo posible para capturar algunos momentos decentes, �as� que espero que lo disfruten!
Si disfrutaste este video, aseg�rate de darle un pulgar hacia arriba para avisarme que deseas ver m�s. Si parece que les est� gustando a ustedes.

Pronto estare subiendo mas video como guias y macros..
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