Ohhgee - Rank 13 Mage Vanilla PvP by Dushichka
Class: Mage | Category: PvP | Server : US - Kael'thas ( Rampage )
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Movie Summary
Disclaimer: Its not me playing the char,i just edited it.

Played by: Ohhgee
Edited by: Goth

A note from Ohhgee:

There is a story behind this movie.

i've played Vanilla WoW servers for years, and i've always wanted to make a PvP movie because i think Vanilla has the most interesting/entertaining PvP mechanics of any expansion. Unfortunately, I played on a shit PC for a long time, unable to record at a decent quality/frame rate. I finally purchased an up-to-date gaming rig in early 2016, just in time for Nostalrius to be shutdown by Blizzard (made the purchase 2-3 days before shutdown announcement). I lost a rank 13 + Tidal Charm Mage in the shutdown, and with it lost my hopes of making a Vanilla PvP movie.

Fast forward a few weeks and Kronos announced they would be launching a new realm. I immediately decided to play, and from day 1 my mission was to recreate the character i had on Nost, and make the PvP movie that i never got to make.

This is that movie.

What to expect:
- Two specs: Deep Frost (17/0/34) and Elemental (0/24/27)
- World PvP 1vX
- Solo queue WSG Flag Carrying
- Mage v Rogue duels
- Heavy use of Engineering & gadgets
- Creative play style

The main challenge that i faced while making this movie was a lack of quality duel opponents and a lack of High Rank players to fight in world PvP. Guys like Perplexity and Goth have set the bar high in this department, but unfortunately there just aren't a lot of big Vanilla names on K2, and most of the high rank players quit and/or sold their accounts soon after finishing their rank grinds. I spent many entire days camping BRM without seeing any Horde over Rank 10, and sometimes hours on end without anyone even fighting back when i ganked them.

In my opinion the only consistently entertaining duel fight for a Mage is against a Rogue, so i made it a point to record duels against some Rogues with respectable play styles. I dueled several other Rogues not shown, but none produced good footage. All 3 of the Rank 14 Rogues on K2 declined my request for a duel series.

Anyway, the movie primarily focuses on world PvP and solo queue Warsong Gulch footage. Expect to see some of the usual 1vX action, and also expect to see a solid amount of solo flag running clips. Keep in mind that ALL of the FC clips were recorded SOLO QUEUEING, and most of them are against Horde premades on WSG weekend.

Of course there are still some flaws in my gameplay, and in a few places you can tell i'm playing with 200ms, but overall i'm happy with how the movie turned out. Countless hours of work went into making this, including basically re-rolling r13 and collecting trinkets and items for months before filming even began. And i could not have done it alone.

I owe a HUGE thanks to Billy for his guidance along the way while i was collecting footage, and of course the use of his insane editing skills that truly bring my gameplay to life. He is one of my oldest friends from Vanilla servers, and i would never have settled for anyone else to edit my movie.

I also have to thank my former Kronos 2 guild <REMEDY> for the (short) ride dominating the server. Although things ended too soon and under unfortunate circumstances, you all deserve a thank you, especially the other autists that played 18 hours a day with me so that i could have this godmode gear (again).

To everyone in the Vanilla community - enjoy the film.


P.S. We faced some issues with trying to render the final video, so there are 2 or 3 places where there are dropped frames or a minor visual glitch in the video. Many viewers may not even notice, but the rendering did not go perfectly.
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