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Zalgradis Paladin PvP/Storyline 3
This movie contains pre 1.9 paladin pvp, using the 4/26/21 build. All of the pvp is solo world pvp, against one, or multiple opponents of all classes. The movie also contains several scripted cinematic comedy, and informative scenes (with the character owners as their voice actors), and shows how paladins can ninja like the rest of them ^^

The production of this movie was heavily delayed by various set backs over the past few months, i had orignially intended to complete and release it before patch 1.9 hit, but unfortunately i was not able to complete it until recently :(

Video codec: DivX 5.11 (
Audio codec: Mp3 (
Resolution: 512x384
FPS: 20.0

Warcraftmovies and google live stream links added for those who are unable to download the full file form filefront. The quality of the live streams is extremely low, i would recommend downloading the entire file from filefront if you are able to ^^.