Kazman Moonkin +434 Spell Damage by SilentWarloc
Class: Druid | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Darksorrow ( Rampage )
2.84 /5 13 ? ? 86 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
I've long enough considered whether I should create a PvP movie and I came to the decision that I would.

I quickly put the scenes together before the TBC. I'm definitely going to create a better, longer lasting movie when I reach level 70 in the burning crusade. Until then, this will have to do :)

I also mainly want to thank Darksorrow, for being there for such a long time and contributed so much love to me :D
I love all of you guys and want to thank you for helping me acquire such gear in the end and mainly thank you for making me love the game this much :)

I'm also planning on transferring to Xavius before the Burning Crusade, so if you want to reach me you can do so at:
#Xavius @ Quakenet
If I'm not there, go through Maieiz/Terminated. He can get in touch with me if there's anything you need me for.

I used an ultimate balance specc in the movie, 51/0/0 and as you'll see managed to create quite a damage dealer of a druid :)

I hope you enjoy the movie as much as I did creating it.
I also want to warn those who don't like big numbers, one hitting and low spell variety usage to not watch this movie or if you do, please spare me the ridiculous comments.

Highest (non-recorded) crits:
4300 Starfire
2210 Wrath
1100+ Moonfire

Again, Thank you for watching this and I hope you enjoy!

Also, Goodbye Darksorrow....
Xavius... Get ready :)

- Kazman.
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