Eye Of The Storm (BG) by Venorize
Class: Mage | Category: Other | Server : US - Test Server US (PvP)
4.37 /5 117 ? ? 168 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
The Eye of the Storm, blizzard's newest battleground has finally reached the lands of outlands for the beta players of the Burning Crusade. This video covers all the fun and death of this battleground, and all the potential it has to become the most popular battleground easily.

So sit back, grab your bags of popcorn and conjured soda, and enjoy the Eye Of The Storm!

The Battleground Rules:
- 15vs15 Each Faction.
- There is 4 towers and 1 flag.
- Every two seconds, your faction gains 1 victory point for each tower you control. You can control any of the four towers at any time.
- To capture a tower, it's a game of king of the hill. The more people standing at the tower, the faster it caps to your faction.
- Any tower you control, also lets your side control the graveyard located at that tower. If you control no towers, your graveyard will be the battleground start point.
- To capture the flag, you must take it to a tower your faction controls. Each flag cap is a bonus 100 victory points.
- First team to 2000 Victory Points wins!
(Note, there is 2 towers on each side of the map, for each faction. However, you can control enemy towers and cap to their side if you want. Controlling all 4 hours gives an additional point, meaning 5 points every 2 seconds.)

(Note: Live Stream has lower quality.)

EDIT: There is a mistake in the credits of the movie. I made some last minute changes to the song orders and somehow missed adding this song to the credits. The second song which is missing, is called:
Institute - When Animals Attack

Sorry for the mixup :).
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Rating: 4.37 / 5
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