FUDK4: Math is Hard (preview) by Oozo
Class: Warrior | Category: PvP | Server : US - Uther ( Whirlwind )
4.50 /5 52 ? ? 359 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
WARNING: L60 Prot Warrior Twink Movie

Yes, prot warrior is relatively easy to play.
Yes, prot warrior is relatively OP.
Yes, twinks are gay.
Yes, I make some mistakes.

This is literally my first PvP experience as a warrior, so mistakes were made as I worked out kinks with my keybinds, macros, and timing.

Some of the people in the full movie are not bad, and some of them are bad... real bad. However, it doesn't really matter if you are good or bad when you are being facerolled by someone who severely outgears you. My intent is to entertain, not to stroke my e-peen. I realize that many of the fights within are extremely unfair to my opponents. So, I make this promise for the full movie:

AV fights versus nontwinks are 1v3 to 1v6+
There will be fights against twinks, some will outgear me
There will be fights against orange and red cons in the 60-69 BGs

This is a preview. It will be the first segment of the full movie. The song is "Just One Fix" by Ministry.

I decided on troll just because there are very few troll movies, so the animations should look fresh. They also have awesome dance moves when done in-fight. ;)

Why did I do this? - The pre-Cataclysm patch will destroy 60 twinks. So, while waiting for Cataclysm I decided to go ahead and exploit the hell out of the system before that happens.

Recruit a Friend = L60 warrior in a day or so
10 Day Free TBC Trial = TBC engineering and gemmed gear

Lame? Yes.
Fun? Yes.
Blizzard PvP = Farce? Yes.
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