xHydraxmistxmcg 8 by Dangitsmcg
Class: Priest | Category: PvP | Server : US - Sargeras ( Shadowburn )
1.72 /5 181 ? ? 248 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
The movie is based on the true story of two Internet athletes competing in the Season 7 in World of Warcraft. Detheroician (Dangitsmcg), who is a priest, overcomes anti-Christianity and class prejudice in order to compete against the "Dream Machine", Deltons, in a duel.

In 2005, Dangitsmcg enters the world of warcraft. He attempts and succeeds at the 60 versus 70 challenge, which involves running around the world before he dies. Meanwhile, Deltons sees World of Warcraft pvp as a way of glorifying God before traveling to work. He represents High Warlord Detheroc against Scout Detheroc in a duel, and preaches a sermon on "rogue and warrior pvp" afterwords.

At their first duel, Deltons shakes Dangitsmcg's hand to wish him well, then beats him in a duel. Dangitsmcg takes it badly, but Venruki, a professional trainer who he had approached earlier, offers to take him on to improve his technique. However, this attracts criticism from the pvp masters because they are not sympathetic to a Detheroc student representing the Shadow priest class. They allege it is ungentlemanly and unsportsmanlike for an amateur athlete seeking to compete in the MLG to employ a professional coach, but Dangitsmcg realizes that is cover for their anti-Christianity(spriest) and class entitlement, and dismisses their concern.

Deltons' sister Woody worries he is too busy running to concern himself with World of Warcraft, but Deltons tells her he feels inspired: "I believe that God made me for a purpose ... [World of Warcraft], but He also made me fast, and when I play, I feel His pleasure."

Despite pressure from the Amingocity and the pot smokers of MLG, Deltons refuses to play at MLG because his girl friend commitment prevents him from being out of town on Sunday. To remedy the sensitive issue, his teammate Greenranger, proposes to give up his team so that it wouldn't be an issue. The MLG competition would not be run on the following Tuesday, thus not averting Deltons need. Deltons with his girl friend on Sunday is seen quoting Isaiah 40, verse 31:

'But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and be not weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.'

Dangitsmcg competes with the MLG spirit and wins. Now he can get on with his life and reconcile with his girlfriend whom he has neglected for the sake of the MLG. Deltons himself defeats the American favourites SK US, in spite of their coach's remarks to him minimizing his chances. He then goes on to do his body building work in Texas.
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