SK Gaming Vs. M'uru World First von Ensidia
Class: Mehrere | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Vek'nilash ( Misery )
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Movie Summary
SK Gaming presents the footage from our world first M'uru kill with two different point of views. This is an insanely hard fight and is the fifth boss of The Sunwell Plateau with only Kil'jaeden left.

SK Gaming News Post

Ventrilo is included from about 6% to 0% as usual, Nerdscreams!

The video is recorded as WMV in a wide screen resolution of 1680x1050.

This movie has two different points of views:
Valandu - BM Hunter
Morphling - Enhancement Shaman

Credits :
Whole guild for putting the huge amount of effort in
Sbe for making the movie
Music Makers
And to everyone I forgot...

Fight music:

Grendel - One Eight Zero (Life cried remix)
DJ Dean - Its A Dream (DJ Manian vs. Yanou Remix)

We will be releasing another version with different point of views a bit later, check back for that!

Guild Site:

IRC Channel: at quakenet, make sure to visit us!

If you are having any trouble playing the video try alternative media players like WMP / GoM/ VLC and CCC etc.

: Because of freshness+World First (WCM Admin team).
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Views: 345,440
Daily Views: 58
Rating: 4.80 / 5
Category Rank: 40
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