The Hillsbrad Dream von snoman
Class: Priester | Category: Underground | Server : US - Draka ( Vengeance )
4.83 /5 48 ? ? 90 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
"Lately, I've been feeling like a remedy's what I'm looking for; looking for. When I take a taste of what's below, I come away... If you could keep me floating, just for a while......."
- Dave Matthews Band, "Jimi Thing", Under the Table and Dreaming

With my first 2 videos, I focused on some more plausible ideas: Ingame Seasons, and past zones. This video I decided to do something different: What if the Emerald Dream was regularly accessible in Azeroth? I did this, and made it a lot more interesting.
I always loved the look of the emerald dream, and was able to see it first hand with instance switching (a model changing technique), and now you'll be able to see a compact and even more amazing looking Emerald Dream.
The song in the video is It's A fine Day (ATB Remix) by Miss Jane. Once again, this video is not to showcase amazing editing or effects, it's focus is on the model change itself. Although my editing skills are growing, there's still a lot I have to learn.

The main character in this video was modeled after Verl's character. Same face and hair, Priest (but different armor). This is because I owe her a lot of credit for my videos. You are my inspiration, Verl, and I hope that eventually you'll be able to watch my videos, and that they will show you just what you have inspired, for I doubt that I would have made these videos if I never had met you. I love you! *hugs*

To all others, enjoy the ride. I hope the frame rate issues I have at some points won't bother you (this crap can tax your computer). Sno out!.
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