I'm Feeling Sick - Draacco von Draacco Grimm
Class: Schurke | Category: PvP | Server : US - Bleeding Hollow ( Ruin )
3.05 /5 125 ? ? 79 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
I had been terrorizing Ironforge for a week or so and the response on the boards was overwhelming with chants for more world PvP and those complaining about dying.. So, I put this little video together for my Bleeding Hollow Alliance buddies I've been having fun with for past week or so.

Now you're not going to see any amazing 4000 damage crits or purple smoke shooting out my butt. I just do video's for entertainment, NOT to show off any superior PVP prowess.

So, take this video for what it is .. Just entertainment with some kicking butt mixed in =)
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Views: 37,772
Daily Views: 5
Rating: 3.05 / 5
Category Rank: 6178

Author Information

Draacco Grimm
WCM Fame: 92
Rank: 148 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 17
Total Views: 1,304,483
Zygor Guides

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