Nerf Sap 7 von HappyMinti
Class: Schurke | Category: PvP | Server : US - Ursin ( Shadowburn )
4.70 /5 232 ? ? 558 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Nerf Sap 7: Tactical Mastery

This is my most recent movie which I created under the pressure of guildies and friends. I was planning on quitting the game at the time of making it; however, due to basically my entire guild picking up and rerolling to Zuluhed (US) a month ago, I'm going to stick around for a bit on my new warlock! The movie is a month and a half old, I hope it's not too outdated =]

Beyond that, the movie is much like the others, except better. It consists of various builds from prep, to combat maces, to seal fate. There is a decent amount of each in the movie. If you want to reach me by whichever means, please e-mail me via the e-mail provided through warcraftmovies. Contacting me in game on my actual rogue account won't work as I have rerolled and dropped the rogue for now. Movie doesn't have credits. I'll post them when I get a chance -- heading out of town for now.

As for good news. I got TONS of mirrors! Special thanks to curse-gaming for hosting the movie. And some random dude from rogue forums. You two are the best! Hope you all enjoy it!

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