Acting With Certainty von Paus
Class: Priester | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Trollbane ( Reckoning )
4.97 /5 267 ? ? 210 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
"I don't like to talk about Acting With Certainty too much because it's essentially a non-verbal experience. It attempts to communicate more to the subconscious and to the feelings than it does to the intellect. I think clearly there's a problem with people who are not paying attention with their eyes. They're listening. And they don't get much from listening to this film. Those who won't believe their eyes won't be able to appreciate this film." - Stanley Kubrick\Paus

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Zygor Guides

Movie Achievements

Views: 104,957
Daily Views: 21
Rating: 4.97 / 5
Category Rank: 379

Author Information

WCM Fame: 90
Rank: 125 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 20
Total Views: 806,161
Zygor Guides

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