Tehseus 2400+ Pala/Warri - Holy Justice 1 von Tehseus
Class: Paladin | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Lothar ( Verderbnis )
4.80 /5 202 ? ? 528 MB Correct Share
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12.12.11 Note: This is obviously not a new movie. I first uploaded it here years ago. I just re-uploaded it due to request. Hope you still like it... Back when holy was fun.

Update: If you want to be informed about future movies/events, and even would like to suggest me what to include in my movies, or just want to keep in touch whit me, like my Page on Facebook:


Hi everybody!

As you can tell from the title this is a Warrior/Paladin 2v2 video. It has been recorded at the end of Season 5 around 2400 rating on the server Lothar. Holy Justice 1 is the first movie of the holy paladin series I am planning to make.

One very important thing you should keep in mind watching this video is that I choose the matches that I included not only on opponent skill.
I have recorded lots of matches against great pala/dk or pala/hunter teams but either the matches against this teams are very very long or not very enjoyable to watch.

So I basically took the matches that are fast paced have some nice coordinated cc chains or are against 2DD (Mage/rogue in this cace).

I had a lot of fun recording and I hope you will have a lot of fun watching!
Turn up the music, lean back and enjoy!

Best Greetings

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